Tourism 2030 Going Green Check
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Welcome to the TOURISM 2030 Going Green Check

(Pilot application in Germany Mai-June 2024)

The Going Green Check for tourism businesses has been designed as a self check to assess your compliance with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) industry criteria, which are recognised worldwide as the minimum standards for tourism businesses and which many certification programmes use as guidance for their own  national or international standards.

The Going Green Check allows you to

1) START: self-assess your sustainability performance in complying with the general GSTC criteria, then

2) COMPARE: to see how far different certification standards for your business cover your performance, and

3) DECIDE: choose and complete the self-assement with one or several certification standards for your business, download your compliance report(s)  - and decide to go green with the most appropriate certification programme..     

Through completion of the chosen standard and achieving certification your business actively contributes to the climate and biodiverity and other Sustainable Development Goals of your destination and will be published as credibly certified business on the global Travel Green Maps 

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